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Recently, as interest in IoT technology has been growing, research on big data processing and analysis, and analysis and design using it have been actively carried out. Particularly in the mechanical field, there is growing interest in data-based analysis, fault diagnosis, and data driven design techniques, but it is not easy for industries to find engineers with integrated knowledge about statistics, mechanical engineering, and design optimization.

Our laboratory conducts extensive research on data analysis and design, including data preprocessing, big data analysis, statistical modeling and analysis, and design optimization under uncertainties. Currently, our laboratory is carrying out the projects with Korea Agency for Defense Development and Korea Research Foundation, and we are also continuing  research forums with Hyundai Heavy Industries and LG Electronics.

We have the advantage of being able to develop the base technology that can be applied to the real industry by utilizing the research results. Therefore, if you are interested in studying data driven analysis and design among students majoring in mechanical engineering, industrial engineering, or statistics, please apply for our lab and have an opportunity to develop your research capability.


We are looking for graduate students and postdoctoral researchers who are interested in our research fields.

If you are interested in any positions, please contact us by with your CV.

The CV needs to include a brief self introduction, research interests and plans, and your grades received at bachelor’s or master’s degree. Our research group look forward to having an opportunity to do research with you.


World Congress of Structural Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO-15) 
5-9 June, 2023, Cork, Ireland


15th Annual Conference of the PHM Society (PHM 2023)
28, Oct. ~ 2. Nov., 2023, Salt Lake City, US

Multidisciplinary Analysis and Design Optimization Lab.

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